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সিনিয়র তথ্য অফিস, বগুড়া এর ওয়েব পোর্টালে আপনাকে স্বাগতম

Our achievements

২০২২-২৩ অর্থবছরের সম্ভাব্য প্রধান অর্জনসমূহ


Probable Major Achievements for FY 2022-23   · 200 units of mass message dissemination on roads · 160 public awareness films and documentary screenings or message festoons placed in public places · Organizing 19 discussion meetings/discussion meetings, women's gatherings and children's fairs/gatherings or organizing virtual meetings/installation of PVC display boards. · Organizing 24 courtyard meetings/open meetings (16 normally, 08 through video call) · Organized 25 motivational concerts/promoted recorded music · 50 awareness messages/images/contents disseminated online